
Endless OS and Asus, Update on L1TF Exploit, Free Red Hat DevConf.US in Boston, Linux 4.19 Kernel Update

Some of us may recall a time when ASUS used to ship a stripped down version of Xandros Linux with their line of Eee PC netbooks. Last week, the same company announced that Endless OS will be supporting non-OS offerings of their product. However it comes with a big disclaimer stating that ASUS will not officially support the operating system's compatibility issues.

Dropbox Ending Sync Support for Uncommon Filesystems, Google Tracks Your Location, NVIDIA Unveils Its First Turing Architecture-Based GPUs, Blackmagic Design Announces DaVinci Resolve 15 and Virtlyst 1.2.0 Released

News briefs for August 14, 2018. Dropbox recently announced in its forum that it will be supporting only the ext4 filesystem for Linux starting in November. Here's the post: "Hi everyone, on Nov. 7, 2018, we're ending support for Dropbox syncing to drives with certain uncommon file systems. The supported file systems are NTFS for Windows, HFS+ or APFS for Mac, and Ext4 for Linux." (Source: It's FOSS.)

Thunderbird 60.0 Released, Lenovo Now in LVFS, Netrunner Rolling 2018.08 Now Available, HP Printer Security Vulnerabilities and New SteamOS Brewmaster Beta Update

News briefs for August 6, 2018. Thunderbird 60.0 was released today. You can download the new version from here (note, this is a direct download, not an upgrade). Changes include improvements for dealing with attachments, new light and dark themes, WebExtension themes are now enabled, several new calendar features and much more.

New EdgeX Foundry "California" Released, Rust v. 1.28.0 Now Available, Humble Bundle's Sports Bundle Has Games for Linux, Firefox 63 Will Have Out-of-Process Extensions for Linux and an Update on EFF's Respects Your Freedom Certification Program

News briefs for August 3, 2018. The Linux Foundation's EdgeX Foundry announced its second major release, "California". This new release of the EdgeX IoT middleware for edge computing adds security features, such as reverse proxy and secure credentials storage. In addition, it has been rewritten in Go, which makes it possible to run on the Raspberry Pi 3, the official target platform for California.

LMDE 3 Beta Released, IPFire 2.21- Core Update 122 Now Available, Firefox Icon Redesign, New Rust Programming Language Book from No Starch Press and Google Chrome in VR with Daydream

News briefs for July 31, 2018. The Linux Mint team announces the LMDE 3 "Cindy" Cinnamon Beta release. LMDE stands for Linux Mint Debian Edition, and its goal is "to see how viable the distribution would be and how much work would be necessary if Ubuntu was ever to disappear". It's as similar as possible to Linux Mint, but doesn't use Ubuntu. See the release notes for more information, and note that this is a beta release, not intended for production environments.

Kata Containers Now Available as a Snap, First Point Release of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, New NetSpectre Attack Vulnerability, IBM and Google Launch Knative, and Google Play Store Bans Cryptocurrency Mining Apps

News briefs for July 27, 2018. Kata Containers, the lightweight, fast booting, open-source VM, is now available as a Snap from the Snap Store. According to the Ubuntu blog post, "Kata Containers are compatible with the OCI specification for Docker and CRI for Kubernetes which means they can be managed like a traditional container. Its agnostic design allows Kata Containers to run on multiple architectures like amd64, ppc64 and aarch64 with different hypervisors including QEMU."

New Version of KStars, Google Launches Edge TPU and Cloud IoT Edge, Lower Saxony to Migrate from Linux to Windows, GCC 8.2 Now Available and VMware Announces VMworld 2018

News briefs for July 26, 2018. A new version of KStars—the free, open-source, cross-platform astronomy software—was released today. Version 2.9.7 includes new features, such as improvements to the polar alignment assistant and support for Ekos Live, as well as stability fixes. See the release notes for all the changes.