How to Count Files in a Directory in Linux?

File counting in a directory is a common task that many users might need to perform. It could be for administrative purposes, understanding disk usage, or organizing files in a systematic manner. Linux, an open-source operating system known for its powerful command-line interface, offers multiple ways to accomplish this task. In this article, we'll explore various techniques to count files in a directory, catering to both command-line enthusiasts and those who prefer graphical interfaces.

Add a User to sudo Group in Debian 12 Linux

In Linux systems, including Debian 12, the sudo group grants users the ability to execute administrative commands. This provides them with the privileges to install, update, and delete software, modify system configurations, and more. This article is intended for system administrators, advanced users, or anyone responsible for managing Debian 12 systems.

Organizing Secure Document Collaboration: How to Install ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Server on Linux

Nowadays, online document collaboration is a must for everyone. You definitely need to co-edit numerous docs with your teammates as well as work on office files with various external users, almost everyday. Keeping this in mind, the open-source project ONLYOFFICE released the DocSpace solution which allows connecting people and files and levels up document collaboration. Let's discover its features and installation options.

Mount Drives with Ease: A Guide to Automounting in Linux GUI and CLI

Understanding how to efficiently automate tasks on Linux can significantly simplify your daily operations. One such routine task is mounting drives, which can be performed automatically, saving you precious time. If you're a GNOME user, you will be pleased to know that this interface makes auto-mounting drives particularly effortless. By following the steps in this article, you'll be on your way to becoming proficient at auto-mounting drives on Linux with GNOME in no time.

A Comprehensive Guide to Using PuTTY for SSH into Linux

Whether you're an experienced developer or a beginner trying to establish a secure connection between your computer and a remote Linux server, PuTTY is a tool you can rely on. Let's delve into understanding how to utilize PuTTY to Secure Shell (SSH) into a Linux machine from a Windows operating system.

Running Multiple Linux Commands Simultaneously

Understanding how to execute multiple commands at once in Linux can significantly improve your efficiency and productivity. This article will guide you through various ways you can run multiple Linux commands in a single line and even how to automate repetitive tasks.

Minarca: A Backup Solution You'll Love

Data backup is a crucial aspect of information management. Both businesses and individuals face risks such as hard drive failure, human error or cyberattacks, which can cause the loss of important data. There are many backup solutions on the market, but many are expensive or difficult to use. That's where Minarca comes in. Developed by Patrik Dufresne of IKUS Software, Minarca is an open source backup solution designed to offer a simplified user experience while providing management and monitoring tools for system administrators. So let's take a closer look at how Minarca came about and how it compares to other solutions.

A Comprehensive Guide to the wc Command in Linux

One of the most valuable utilities offered by Unix and Linux-based systems is the wc command. This versatile command stands for "word count" and offers you a simple, yet powerful way to analyze text files. By comprehending the full scope of wc, you'll increase your proficiency with command-line operations, making your interaction with Unix or Linux systems more productive and efficient.

How to Trace Files with the Linux Tail Command

In the realm of Linux systems, the tail command plays a vital role in monitoring and analyzing files. Its simplicity and versatility make it a powerful tool for various tasks. In this article, we will explore the depths of the tail command, combining insights from different sources, to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities. From basic usage to advanced techniques, you will be equipped with the knowledge to become a master of file analysis in the Linux environment.

Mastering the Power of Head Command: Unlocking Efficient Data Handling in Linux

In the realm of Linux, the head command holds immense potential for efficiently managing and extracting valuable information from files. We present a comprehensive guide to help you unleash the true power of the head command. From understanding its basic syntax to exploring advanced features, this article will equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to become a proficient user.

Using the Linux Cat Command to Manage Files and Directories

In the realm of Linux command-line tools, few commands are as versatile and widely used as cat. This article dives deep into the capabilities of the Linux cat command, merging insights from multiple sources to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of its usage. From basic file manipulation to concatenation and text processing, we will explore the numerous possibilities offered by this command.

The Sort Command: A Beginner's Guide to Using Linux's Best Organizer

In the world of Linux, the sort command is a powerful tool that enables you to efficiently sort and organize data in various ways. Whether you're dealing with simple text files or complex datasets, understanding the ins and outs of the sort command can significantly enhance your productivity. In this article, we will explore the different features and applications of the sort command, drawing insights from various reputable sources.

How to Use the Linux Zip Command to Compress and Uncompress Files Quickly

In the world of Unix-based operating systems like Linux, file packaging and compression utilities play a pivotal role. One such utility is the zip command, an effective tool for compressing files to save disk space and facilitate faster file transfers​. This article provides an in-depth guide to using the Linux zip command, featuring common use cases and practical examples.

Mastering Text Manipulation With the Sed Command

The Linux command line interface provides a wealth of tools for text processing, and one of the most powerful among them is the sed command. Sed, an abbreviation for Stream EDitor, is a versatile tool that allows for complex manipulation of text files and streams​​.

The Power of the Select Command to Automate Tasks in Bash

The select command in Linux is a versatile tool primarily used for menu creation in bash scripts. The command retrieves data from a specified list, which can be an array or other data source, and generates a menu from this data. Depending on the complexity of your task, you can create various types of menus such as a menu based on directory list or even a menu derived from file content.

Mastering Division of Variables in Bash

One of the common tasks you'll encounter when scripting in Bash is performing arithmetic operations on variables, particularly division. This process might seem straightforward, but it requires careful attention due to the lack of floating-point support in Bash by default. In this article, we will dive into several methods for dividing variables in Bash, and you'll discover how to handle the lack of floating-point division in Bash.

How to Search and Find Files for Text Strings in Linux

Searching for specific text strings in files is a common task in Linux. Whether you need to locate a file based on its content or search for a specific pattern within multiple files, Linux provides powerful command-line tools to assist you. In this guide, we will explore different approaches to searching and finding files for text strings in Linux, including the usage of the grep and find commands.