
5 Distributions Of Linux To Consider For Your Server

Which distribution is right for your environment? In this article, we'll discuss some important concepts to keep in mind - and we'll go over the finer points of some of the more popular options. There's no shortage of opinions online regarding desktop distros, but in this article - we're going to focus on server deployments.

Three Ways To Improve Your Programming Skills

The ability to write code is a huge differentiator for every job role in an enterprise Linux environment. As an Operations and DevOps manager, I was constantly challenged to improve my team’s programming skills, and the team genuinely wanted to be more proficient. But how? Structured training is a standard answer: take a course! Our company, like many, invested enormously in learning resources. I’d sit with an engineer one-on-one and we’d ponder the online portal together, puzzling out the most appropriate Python learning path.

Design and Prototypical Implementation of an IRC Chat Server in Erlang OTP

Modern solutions must be designed resiliently to enable service provisioning during incidents. There are multiple solutions to develop high-available and reliable services that can be applied to various levels in a system’s architecture and design. Some programming languages are specifically designed to meet these challenges. The functional programming language Erlang provides inherent functionality to develop these resilient services. Therefore, this article presents the exemplary design and development of a communication service based on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol in Erlang to investigate its availability features.

What Version of RHEL am I Using?

RHEL or Red Hat Enterprise Linux is one of the many operating systems provided by Red Hat. Red Hat is a popular Linux OS and has started functioning ever since the mid-1990s. Red Hat earned a good reputation due to being stable, regularly updated, and reliable. If you are using RHEL and want to find its version, this article is for you. Now let’s check 7 useful methods to know what version of RHEL you are using.

Configuring TACACS+ Server With A Simple GUI

TACACS+ server implementation for Linux operating system, although neat, lacks a graphical user interface which makes daemon configuration a smooth and intuitive process. In the next few paragraphs, we will discuss how to configure the TACACS+ daemon on Linux operating system and demonstrate how to deploy a simple, yet intuitive, GUI used for the configuration of the TACACS+ instance.

How Can You Install Google Chrome Browser on Debian?

Google Chrome is a widely used web browser in the world. Google Chrome is fast and secure as well. However, it is not an open-source web browser. Hence, Debian comes with a pre-loaded Chromium browser, and not a Chrome. Chromium is an open-source browser. If you still want to install the Google Chrome browser on Linux, this article is for you. Installing Chrome on Linux has a little twist as it’s not an open-source browser. So let’s check out how you can easily install Chrome browser from a Linux terminal.

Sending Emails? Send them from Linux Terminal

Does your job require sending a lot of emails on a daily basis? And you often wonder if or how you can send email messages from the Linux terminal. This article explains about 6 different ways of sending emails using the Linux terminal. Let’s go through them.

7 Important Linux Commands for Every Linux User

Linux might sound scary for first-time Linux users, but actually, it isn’t. Linux is a bunch of open-source Unix operating systems based on Linux Kernel. These operating systems are called Linux distributions, such as Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint. This article presents a guide to 7 important Linux commands for every Linux user to know. So, let’s begin.

Privacy-focused Linux Distributions to Secure Your Online Presence in 2021

Linux distros are usually more secure than their Windows and Mac counterparts. Linux Operating Systems being open-source leaves very less scope of unauthorized access to its core. However, with the advancement of technologies, incidents of attacks are not rare. Are you in a fix with the coming reports of Linux systems targeted malware attacks? Worried about your online presence? Then maybe it’s time to go for a secure, privacy-focused Linux distro. This article presents a guide to 3 privacy-oriented Linux distributions that respect your privacy online.

In Search of Linux Laptops? Check these 6 Places to Get Your Laptop in 2021

Are you in search of Linux laptops? This article takes you through 6 different places that offer the best Linux laptops. So get prepared to choose your Linux laptop in 2021. Dell When it comes to laptops, the first name that comes to my mind is Dell. For over 20 years Dell has been selling high-end Linux laptops. In a Dell store, you can get Ubuntu and Redhat Enterprise Linux laptops. These laptops are built to meet the needs of developers, businesses, and sysadmins.

Q&A trip to Linux’s Black Hole - /dev/null

As per NASA, “A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out”. Something similar exists in the Linux universe as well - it discards anything written to it and when read, just returns an EOF (end-of-file). It’s a special file which is also referred to as null device - /dev/null

Download These 7 Cool Apps on Your Linux Machine to Make Life Easier

Not only the Linux distros are open-source but the apps for Linux are also free. Though some business apps come with a cost, most of the apps created for individuals don’t have any charges. Want to know about some of the cool apps to download on your Linux machine? This article walks you through 7 apps to download on Linux to make your life easier. Head over to the next section!  

Experimenting with Python implementation of Host Identity Protocol

Host Identity Protocol, or HIP, is a layer 3.5 solution and was initially designed to split the dual role of the IP address - locator and identifier. Using HIP protocol one can solve not only mobility problems but also establish authenticated secure channels between two communicating end-hosts. In this short article, we first introduce relevant background information. We then present some mathematical background related to Elliptic Curve (EC) Cryptography and Diffie-Hellman protocol based on EC. Finally, we demonstrate some micro benchmarking results for various cryptographic primitives and conclude the paper with the results for the overall performance of HIP and IPSec, which we implemented in Linux user space using Python language.

How to Check Battery Status Using Linux Command Line

Checking the battery status through GUI is easy. Hovering the mouse cursor over the battery indicator given in the Laptop task bar simply shows the battery level. But, did you know you can find the battery status through the Linux command line as well? Yes, there are some utilities in Linux that can be of help in this regard. This article explains 4 different methods of checking laptop battery status using the Linux command line.