BitTorrent Inc.'s Sync

The Sync application from BitTorrent Inc. is simple yet powerful, offering the ability to move large amounts of data directly between devices. The updated Sync 2.3 provides new features to support power users seeking to unlock Sync's full potential. BitTorrent says that Sync is simple to use in combination with a cloud provider's storage space or NAS to ensure data redundancy for backup.
Of course, having data stored anywhere on third-party infrastructure is a serious concern. The new Encrypted Folder feature in Sync 2.3 solves this issue by providing the ability to encrypt data at rest on any designated location. Encrypted Folders can be shared to read-only nodes to provide an off-site snapshot of data without providing direct access, or users can deploy multiple Encrypted Folders to increase the reliability of a peer swarm.
Another new feature is support for moving data to and from an SD card on Android 5+ devices. Finally, Selective Sync support is available on all flavors of Sync for Linux. Users download only the files they need, when they need them, without having to replicate entire folders on their beloved Linux boxes.