Translate Haskell into English Manually, Part II

by Shannon Behrens

This is part two of a two-part series [see for part one]. In this article, I build upon the concept of a parse pipeline with the State monad. Then, with all the pieces in place, I show the complete Haskell program. I also take a step back and consider why Haskell isn't as popular as some other languages and whether it deserves a place in your programmer's toolbox.

The State Monad

In part one of this series, I showed parse pipelines that looked like:

c $ b $ a ctx

Now, there are two problems with basing the whole program around this construct. The first is that everything is written backwards. It's not too hard to work around that by creating an operator that reads left to right, unlike $. However, it's also a pain to pass the ParseContext explicitly to and from every function that acts as a ParseContext transformer. [Note: 1. In an early version of my program, I wrote the following:

-- |> is like a UNIX pipe.
infixl 9 |>
x |> f = f x

Hence, c $ b $ a ctx could be written ctx |> a |> b |> c. I originally wrote the whole program around this construct instead of the State monad, but I like the State monad better because of Haskell's syntactic sugar for monads.]

Purely functional means you have to pass everything to the function (that is, no globals) and you have to return everything from the function (that is, no side effects allowed, not even printing a message to the user). Passing everything explicitly can get tedious, but that's something Haskell has an answer for—monads. Instead of having to piece a pipeline together using $, the do syntax can transform the above into:

do a

Not only does the do syntax “read the right way”, but (and this is a key point) it's also syntactic sugar for saying, “the result of 'a' will be needed to call 'b', and the result of 'b' will be needed to call 'c'.” It's still a pipeline, but now it's syntactically convenient.

The State monad is a monad that comes with Haskell, which is perfectly suited for the current situation. The State monad is a simple monad that simply encapsulates a bit of state. Looking at the example above, a, b and c are all functions that take and modify this implicit state. Because each might modify that state, they must be run in order, which, of course, isn't necessarily the norm in Haskell.

The notion of a ParseContext transformer dovetails perfectly with how the State monad works. Each ParseContext transformer will now have the following signature:

f :: State ParseContext ()

This translates into:

"f" is a function that has type "State ParseContext ()", which is to say
that "f" operates within the "State" monad where the "State" monad is
encapsulating a "ParseContext" object.

In summary, what does the monad buy us?

  1. It allows us to use the do syntactic sugar in order to tie statements together into a chain that must be executed in order.

  2. It takes care of implicitly passing around ParseContext objects.

Lest my reader get bleary eyed, let's see some code! I've updated the makeCool.hs program to use the State monad, thus creating a true Rube Goldberg ( program:

import Control.Monad.State

data TokenType = Identifier | Qualifier | Type | Symbol Char
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Token = Token {
  tokenType :: TokenType,
  tokenValue :: String
} deriving Show

data ParseContext = ParseContext {
  input :: String,    -- The input that has not been parsed yet.
  output :: String,   -- The output generated so far.
  currTok :: Token,   -- The current token, if defined.
  stack :: [Token]    -- A stack of tokens we haven't dealt with yet.
} deriving Show

makeCool :: State ParseContext ()
makeCool = do
  ParseContext {input = s} <- get
  put (ParseContext {input = "", output = s ++ " is cool!\n"})
  return ()

main = do
  s <- getContents
  let ctx = ParseContext {input = s, output = ""} in
    putStrLn $ output $ execState makeCool $ ctx

Running it:

$ echo -n "Haskell" | runhugs -98 makeCoolState.hs
Haskell is cool!

A few things deserve note. First, in order to use the State monad, you must pass -98 to runhugs, which enables special Hugs extensions. Next, what used to be:

putStrLn $ output $ makeCool ctx

is now:

putStrLn $ output $ execState makeCool $ ctx

The execState function is used to get into and out of the “State monad world”. Occasionally, it's easy to get confused by higher order functions like execState; however, it's easy enough to apply a cookie-cutter approach. That is, execState makeCool $ ctx takes ctx as an initial state and returns a final state. makeCool operates within “the context” of the State monad. Easy enough. If you really want to know the nitty-gritty details of how the State monad works, there's a really fun explanation on Wikipedia (

Notice that makeCool uses the do syntax to tie multiple statements together. First it uses the get function to get the current state. Then it uses the put function to put back an updated state. Then it returns (), which is to say nothing useful. Looking at get and put, at it's heart, the makeCool function is still a ParseContext transformer.

Another thing deserves note. As usual, there are a few convenience functions for interacting with the State monad. For instance, instead of using get and put explicitly, it's also possible to use the modify function, combining the two activities. Hence, the makeCool function could have been written:

makeCool :: State ParseContext ()
makeCool = modify (\ctx ->
  ctx {input = "", output = input ctx ++ " is cool!"})

The modify function takes a callback that takes the state as input and returns state as output. Instead of passing a named function to modify, I'm passing an anonymous function, hence the \ syntax. Translating:

"makeCool" is a "ParseContext transformer".  Modify the "ctx" by setting
"input" to "" and setting "output" to the original input plus the string
" is cool!".

As in other languages, anonymous functions can be either ultra-convenient or ultra-inscrutable, depending on both the author and the reader. Nonetheless, I'll use the convenience functions where, uh, convenient.

Pulling It All Together

Okay, we're getting really close now--one more example. Let's transform makeCoolState.hs into something slightly more useful and “pretend” we're reading tokens. We'll naively treat each character as a Symbol token, and we'll simply read four tokens.

import Control.Monad.State

data TokenType = Identifier | Qualifier | Type | Symbol Char
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Token = Token {
  tokenType :: TokenType,
  tokenValue :: String
} deriving Show

data ParseContext = ParseContext {
  input :: String,    -- The input that has not been parsed yet.
  output :: String,   -- The output generated so far.
  currTok :: Token,   -- The current token, if defined.
  stack :: [Token]    -- A stack of tokens we haven't dealt with yet.
} deriving Show

-- Read one token from input and put it on the stack.
getToken :: State ParseContext ()
getToken = do
  ctx@(ParseContext {input = c:input', stack = stack'}) <- get
  let tok = Token {tokenType = Symbol c, tokenValue = [c]} in
    put (ctx {input = input', currTok = tok, stack = tok:stack'})

-- This is a completely different way of writing getToken.
getTokenAnotherWay :: State ParseContext ()
getTokenAnotherWay = modify getTokenAnotherWay'
    getTokenAnotherWay' ctx =
      ctx {input = input', currTok = tok, stack = tok:stack'}
        c = head $ input $ ctx
        input' = tail $ input $ ctx
        tok = Token {tokenType = Symbol c, tokenValue = [c]}
        stack' = stack $ ctx

-- Call getToken a few times.
parse :: State ParseContext ()
parse = do
  getToken            -- I would not normally duplicate lines like this.
  getToken            -- I'm just trying to illustrate a point.

main = do
  s <- getContents    -- currTok is undefined below.  It's defined later.
  let ctx = ParseContext {input = s, output = "", stack = []} in
    print $ execState parse $ ctx

Running it:

$ echo "Haskell" | runhugs -98 monadPipes.hs
ParseContext {
  input = "ell\n",
  output = "",
  currTok = Token {tokenType = Symbol 'k', tokenValue = "k"},
  stack = [
    Token {tokenType = Symbol 'k', tokenValue = "k"},
    Token {tokenType = Symbol 's', tokenValue = "s"},
    Token {tokenType = Symbol 'a', tokenValue = "a"},
    Token {tokenType = Symbol 'H', tokenValue = "H"}]}

At the risk of cheating, I've manually added newlines and indentation to the output to make it more legible. Nonetheless, this output is really exciting! It's taken the string Haskell and treated the first four letters as Symbol tokens, placing each one on the stack.

This fascinating glimpse into the heart of the ParseContext was made possible simply by making sure to add deriving Show in the right places and calling print on the final ParseContext in the line:

print $ execState parse $ ctx

Notice a few other things. The do syntax is used to parse four tokens in a row:

parse = do
  getToken            -- I would not normally duplicate lines like this.
  getToken            -- I'm just trying to illustrate a point.

In getToken, I used get and put, but in getTokenAnotherWay, I used modify. In general, I've varied how the code was implemented in very minor ways to show different ways of doing things. After all, even C has three different constructs for a loop; you pick the most convenient tool for the job at hand.

As a last note, to experience how incredibly lazy Haskell is, instead of using echo to enter the value Haskell, try typing the input characters one at a time, pressing Return after each character. Haskell will start outputting the output before you are done typing the input. In fact, Haskell will produce as much output as possible for the input you have provided. In a sense, because the input is read lazily, the rest of the program can run “proactively”.

Now, take a deep breath, and prepare for the plunge. Here's what you have at your disposal:

  1. You have the C version of the code.

  2. There's a fantastic “Tour of the Haskell Syntax” that you can refer to at

  3. If you installed Hugs, the Haskell Prelude contains most of the simple functions that I make use of. I find it helpful to refer to the source as it's meant to be self documenting. On my system, it's installed at /usr/lib/hugs/libraries/Hugs/Prelude.hs.

  4. Similarly, the source for the State monad is /usr/lib/hugs/packages/mtl/Control/Monad/State.hs. The formal documentation is at

At long last, here's the code:

{- Translate C type declarations into English.
  This exercise was taken from "Expert C Programming:  Deep C Secrets", p. 84.
   Example: echo -n "int *p;" | runhugs -98 cdecl.hs

import Char
import Control.Monad.State

data TokenType = Identifier | Qualifier | Type | Symbol Char
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Token = Token {
  tokenType :: TokenType,
  tokenValue :: String
} deriving Show

data ParseContext = ParseContext {
  input :: String,    -- The input that has not been parsed yet.
  output :: String,   -- The output generated so far.
  currTok :: Token,   -- The current token, if defined.
  stack :: [Token]    -- A stack of tokens we haven't dealt with yet.
} deriving Show

-- Convenience functions:
currTokType = tokenType . currTok
currTokValue = tokenValue . currTok
stackHead = head . stack

-- "Write" to a ParseContext's output.  Use ++ for simplicity.
writeOutput :: String -> State ParseContext ()
writeOutput s = modify (\ctx -> ctx {output = output ctx ++ s})

-- Pop the stack.
pop :: State ParseContext ()
pop = modify (\ctx -> ctx {stack = tail $ stack $ ctx})

-- Write the value of the top of the stack and then pop it.
popAndWrite :: State ParseContext ()
popAndWrite = do
  top <- gets stackHead
  writeOutput (tokenValue top)

-- Classify a string into a Token.
classifyString :: String -> Token
classifyString "const"  = Token Qualifier "read-only"
classifyString "*"      = Token (Symbol '*') "pointer to"
classifyString [c]
  | not (isAlphaNum c)  = Token (Symbol c) [c]
classifyString s        = Token tokType s
    tokType = case s of
      "volatile" -> Qualifier
      x | x `elem` ["void", "char", "signed", "unsigned", "short",
                    "int", "long", "float", "double", "struct",
                    "union", "enum"] -> Type
      x -> Identifier

-- Read the next token into currTok.
getToken :: State ParseContext ()
getToken = modify getToken'
    getToken' ctx@(ParseContext {input = s}) =
      ctx {currTok = token, input = theRest}
        (token, theRest) = lexString $ lstrip $ s
        lstrip s = dropWhile isSpace s

-- Read a token.  Return it and the left-over portion of the string.
lexString :: String -> (Token, String)
lexString s@(c:cs) | isAlphaNum c = (token, theRest)
    (tokString, theRest) = span isAlphaNum s
    token = classifyString tokString
lexString (c:cs) = (classifyString [c], cs)

-- Put tokens on the stack until we reach the first identifier.
readToFirstIdentifier :: State ParseContext ()
readToFirstIdentifier = do
  afterIdentifier <- get
  let s = identifier ++ " is "
      identifier = currTokValue afterIdentifier in
    put (afterIdentifier {output = s})

-- Keep pushing tokens until we hit an identifier.
pushUntilIdentifier :: State ParseContext ()
pushUntilIdentifier = do
  ctx <- get
  if currTokType ctx == Identifier
    then return ()                      -- Leave things as they are.
    else do
      put (ctx {stack = (currTok ctx) : (stack ctx)})
      return ()

-- Deal with arrays.
dealWithArrays :: State ParseContext ()
dealWithArrays = do
  ctx <- get
  case currTokType ctx of
    Symbol '[' -> do
      writeOutput "array "
      writeOutput "of "
    _ -> return ()                      -- Recurse until we get past the ['s.
    writeIfNumber = do                  -- Call writeSize if a number.
      tokValue <- gets currTokValue
      if isDigit $ head $ tokValue
        then do
        else return ()
    writeSize = do                      -- Output the array size.
      tokValue <- gets currTokValue
      let num = show $ (+ -1) $ read $ tokValue
          s = "0.." ++ num ++ " " in    -- Can't use where instead of let here.
        writeOutput s

-- Deal with function arguments.
dealWithFunctionArgs :: State ParseContext ()
dealWithFunctionArgs = do
  writeOutput "function returning "
    getUntilParen = do                  -- Read tokens until we hit ).
      ctx <- get
      case currTokType ctx of
        Symbol ')' -> return ()
        _ -> do

-- Deal with pointers.
dealWithPointers :: State ParseContext ()
dealWithPointers = do
  top <- gets stackHead
  case tokenType top of
    Symbol '*' -> do
      writeOutput " "
    _ -> return ()                      -- Recurse until we get past the *'s.

-- Process tokens that we stacked while reading to identifier.
dealWithStack :: State ParseContext ()
dealWithStack = do
  stack' <- gets stack
  case stack' of
    [] -> return ()
    (x:xs) ->
      case tokenType x of
        Symbol '(' -> do
        _ -> popAndWrite

-- Do all parsing after first identifier.
dealWithDeclarator :: State ParseContext ()
dealWithDeclarator = do
  tokType <- gets currTokType
  case tokType of
    Symbol '[' -> dealWithArrays
    Symbol '(' -> dealWithFunctionArgs
    _ -> return ()                      -- "Exit" the case, not the function.

-- Do all parsing.
parse :: State ParseContext ()
parse = do

-- Translate a C type declaration into English.
translate :: String -> String
translate s =
  output $ execState parse $ ctx        -- Change "output" to "show" to debug.
  where ctx = ParseContext {input = s, output = "", stack = []}

main :: IO ()
main = do
  input <- getContents
  putStrLn $ translate $ input


I really hate to spoil the tone of such a nice tutorial with opinionated commentary, but the exceedingly careful reader may have noticed that the C version is shorter than the Haskell version! In fact, by my count, there are 106 useful lines of code in the C version and 146 lines of useful code in the Haskell version. What happened? This is the type of thing that can make a budding article writer lose sleep at night!

Notice a few things. The C version is using static memory allocation. It pre-allocates space for 100 tokens, each of which can be up to 64 characters long. Modern C applications must usually manage memory dynamically, and it's a painful, error-prone chore. Nor does the example do any error handling. Haskell's exception system went completely unused. Last of all, the example didn't make use of any abstractions. Haskell's high-level, functional nature means that libraries, in general, can be higher level in Haskell than in C, but this is meaningless if you don't even use a parsing library.

Note, however, that the Haskell version already has some benefits over the C version. For instance, being able to print a ParseContext for free was really nice. Theoretically, because all parsing state is contained in a ParseContext, you can pass off the ParseContext to another machine and let it continue the computation. If, during parsing, for some reason it was necessary to undo what you had done and go back to some previous parsing state, it's absolutely possible to throw away your current ParseContext and continue with some previous ParseContext.

Consider the task of removing a bolt. You have your choice of a crescent wrench (say, C), a socket set (say, Java) or an impact wrench (say, Haskell). An impact wrench is incredibly powerful and can make difficult tasks easy. However, what we've seen is that sometimes it takes longer to retrieve the compressor from the garage in order to use an impact wrench than it takes to simply get the job done with a crescent wrench.

If Haskell is so powerful, why isn't it more popular? I think it's because the authors and many of the users are just too dang intelligent! I've heard Guido van Rossum, the author of Python, say something like, “ML is a great language--it's just too bad you have to have an IQ higher than 150 to use it.”

Consider that in Paul Hudak's book, The Haskell School of Expression, Hudak drags the user through writing code to calculate the area of a concave polygon [exercise 2.5 on page 33] before he even shows the user the canonical “Hello world” example [page 37], and I still haven't gotten to the part in the book that explains how to use Hugs. [Note: I'm being facetious. I don't think it's covered in the book at all. Hugs is an implementation of Haskell, and the book is about the language itself, not any particular implementation. However, my point stands that unless you actually get an interpreter or compiler running so that you can actually write some code, you can't truly claim to know a language. I spent hours trying to figure out why the Hugs shell wouldn't let me define a function before I found out that you have to store them in a file and load them as a library.]

Furthermore, as much as I love Haskell's type system, I think there's a real misconception. Hudak writes:

The best news is that Haskell's type system will tell you if your program is well-typed before you run it. This is a big advantage because most programming errors are manifested as typing errors [p. 8].

I don't agree. Although I would agree that most bugs are caused by programmers typing the wrong code, I would not agree that most bugs are manifested as typing errors! In fact, I find that most of my bugs are caused by subtly misunderstanding the fine details of a difficult problem, and I've heard other well-respected programmers say the same thing. Personally, being a fan of duck typing, I find that most of the time, types are almost a nuisance! [Note: Lest Java programmers send me hate mail, this is a topic covered repeatedly by Bruce Eckel, author of Thinking in Java, on his blog ( For instance, this post: If you consider tools like QuickCheck (, which can use Haskell's type system to generate test cases automatically, you'll see that a whole article could be written debating whether Bruce Eckel's ideas apply to Haskell. Nonetheless, I think it's fair to say that Haskell's type system gives you “more bang for the buck” than Java's.]

I spent a lot of time wondering why Haskell programmers seemed to be so successful. I've come to the following conclusion:

It's not that good programmers are necessarily drawn to Haskell--as Google has shown, there are a lot of extremely talented programmers who are content to code in Java. Rather, it's that you have to be a smart, patient, disciplined and dedicated programmer to code in Haskell at all.

The truth of the matter is you can be a bad programmer and make a living coding in Java. The same cannot be said of Haskell.

In summary: I think that it's fair to say that Haskell has some flaws (for instance, you have to be smart to use it), and it might not ever be as popular as Java, PHP or Ruby. However, languages are like friends; you take the good with the bad and enjoy them as a whole (with the exception of C++; almost no one uses all of C++).

Haskell is like a brilliant kernel programmer I once worked with. Asking him anything outside his areas of expertise was like trying to dereference a random location in memory. I use to joke that his user interface was about as friendly as a Commodore 64--“syntax error”. Nonetheless, you just couldn't beat him if you needed a new device driver for some random piece of hardware. Likewise, if I had to reimplement Pascal or write Perl 6, Haskell would be my first choice--although I'd definitely use a powerful parsing library. In fact, I'm pleased to say that Haskell is a welcome addition to my programmer's toolbox!


I'd like to thank the readers of the haskell-cafe mailing list for taking the time to read and critique my code. I received comments from Benjamin Franksen, Bill Wood, Brian Hulley, Bulat Ziganshin, Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Malcolm Wallace, Pete Chown, Scott Turner, Tomasz Zielonka and Udo Stenzel. I received extensive feedback from Daniel Fischer and Neil Mitchell. I'd also like to thank my friends for their technical reviews: Anuranjan Shukla, Brandon L. Golm (who turns my Engrish into English), Brennan Evans, Christopher Golden, Krishna Srinivasan and Sam Rushing. In particular, Jared Updike was a great source of help throughout the entire process.

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