Steven Ovadia's Learn Linux in a Month of Lunches (Manning Publications Co.)
Yes, Steven Ovadia's new book for Linux "noobs" is titled Learn Linux in a Month of Lunches, but readers may need two-hour lunches and weekends to attain the ambitious goal implied in the title. No matter though, because this "study while dining" series of books from Manning Publications offers a fine approach to learning the essentials of our beloved OS, from installation to networking, installing software and securing a system.
Readers just curious about Linux or needing to get up and running for their jobs will appreciate how this book concentrates on need-to-know tasks. By digesting targeted, easy-to-follow, compact lessons, readers learn how to use the command line, customize a desktop, print, choose the right application for their needs and more. Readers who make it to the end of the book are treated to topics like filesystems, GitLab and using Linux professionally—for example, certifications. Although new Linux users may be overwhelmed at first, Ovadia's book illustrates how learning Linux doesn't have to be hard, and the payoff is great.