Linux Journal Contents #197, September 2010

by Staff
Linux Journal Contents #197, September 2010

Linux Journal Issue #197/September 2010

We've got just five words for you: "The Web is where it's at". Ok, so that's like six, or seven depending on how you count, but you get the point: it's all about the Web these days. So get your developer's hat on and and take a peek at this month's Web Development issue. First up is that big scary balloon head also known as the Drupal logo. We show you how to setup a robust infrastructure for runing large scale Drupal sites. Then we introduce you to Google's App Engine and using the Google cloud to host your app. For you aspiring Java types we cover JSP for web apps. We also show you how to develope portable Web apps using HTML5 and JavaScript. And now we've got just one word for you: "Yowser". Because that just scratches the surface of what we have for you this month, there's also Zamanda Recovery Manager for MySQL, Firewalls, GRUB2, Redis, Bash, VirtMus, Kemet, and more.




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