Busting Spam with Bogofilter, Procmail and Mutt, Revisited

by Nick Moffitt

In November 2002, I wrote an article called “Busting Spam with Bogofilter, Procmail and Mutt”. It contained a particularly handy configuration that took out a lot of the work of marking mail as spam or non-spam in bogofilter. The basic premise is you configure your mailer to mark all mail you reply to or save as non-spam, because most people save or reply to only the good stuff.

The article gained quite a lot of Google juice and has become a number-one hit for several common search queries on the topic. This would be good news, except for one little detail listed in the bogofilter changelog:

0.11.0   2003-03-03
        * Separated message registration options from unregistration
          options.  '-S' and '-N' have been changed and now just do
          unregistration.  To move a message from one wordlist to the
          other, use '-S -n' or '-N -s' (as appropriate)

This note means Eric Raymond changed the command-line switches to bogofilter, so they now have the exact opposite effect. What was -S is now -Ns, and what was -N is now -Sn.

This means that people who stumble across my November 2002 article with a March 2003 or later version of bogofilter will find it a rather frustrating experience. The macros listed at the beginning of the article now mark saved mails as spam, and the X key deletes a piece of mail as non-spam.

This disastrous change violates the Rule of Least Surprise espoused in Raymond's recent publication, The Art of UNIX Programming. The section on the Rule of Least Surprise quotes Henry Spencer warning against programs that appear to do things in a familiar fashion when they actually do something very different. The bogofilter command accepts the same command-line switches now as it did in November 2002, but then, suddenly, March 3, 2003, was opposite day.

Admittedly, bogofilter has not yet reached version 1.0, so a few changes here and there are to be expected. Regardless, this stealthy little switch almost certainly has caused people to miss legitimate mail that was mis-filed as spam.

I added a second refinement to the bogofilter macros after my wife complained she no longer could tag a collection of messages to be saved all at once. The problem occurs because mutt macros do not propagate the state of the tag prefix (usually the semicolon key on a standard configuration) down to the macro's component commands. Thus, the tagged messages were filed in bogofilter, but only the message at the cursor was saved.

As a workaround, the following macros insert the tag prefix into their index versions. This means if you have not tagged any messages, these macros beep at you before they operate on the current message. Also, if you tag messages but try to save an individual message, they save all the tagged messages. This is not ideal, but the mutt developers have shown no interest in providing better tag prefix hooks in mutt macros.

macro index s "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<tag-prefix><pipe-entry>bogofilter -MSn\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<tag-prefix><save-entry>"
macro pager s "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<pipe-entry>bogofilter -MSn\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<save-entry>"

macro index r "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<tag-prefix><pipe-entry>bogofilter -Mn\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<tag-prefix><reply>"
macro pager r "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<pipe-entry>bogofilter -Mn\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<reply>"

macro index g "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<tag-prefix><pipe-entry>bogofilter -Mn\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<tag-prefix><group-reply>"
macro pager g "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<pipe-entry>bogofilter -Mn\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<group-reply>"

macro index l "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<tag-prefix><pipe-entry>bogofilter -Mn\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<tag-prefix><list-reply>"
macro pager l "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<pipe-entry>bogofilter -Mn\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<list-reply>"

macro index X "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<tag-prefix><pipe-entry>bogofilter -MNs\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<tag-prefix><delete-message>"
macro pager X "<enter-command>unset wait_key\n<pipe-entry>bogofilter -MNs\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<delete-message>"

Fortunately, the section on procmail is still correct, and should cause no problems on a lightly loaded system. If you find that lots of bogofilter processes are weighing down your system, you may wish to change the first stanza to use a lockfile, like so:

:0fw: bogofilter.lock
| bogofilter -u -e -p

The other two stanzas in my original configuration can stay as they are.

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