
by Michael K. Johnson

It is always hard to say goodbye.

This is the last issue of Linux Journal that I will be editing. I am moving on to do programming for Red Hat Software.

I have enjoyed editing Linux Journal.

Linux Journal has been and will continue to be an important part of the Linux community. And I am not really saying goodbye to LJ in any real sense—I intend to continue to write LJ articles. I will be busy doing things, rather than talking about them, and I enjoy occasionally writing about the things I am doing.


Hello It's me, your new editor. My qualifications?

  • I've been a musician since the age of 16—guitars and (now) mandolin;

  • my first computer, a Kaypro, ran CP/M;

  • my first Linux was 1.1.54;

  • I survived nearly fifteen years as a sysadmin in a CAD design environment, and have the nervous tics to prove it;

  • and I've been the editor of a weekly magazine.

Phil and the rest of the Linux Journal staff have taken me in despite this checkered past. For this I thank them a lot.

I'd like to assure them, and you, that I won't be trying to fill Michael's shoes. That's too big of a task. Besides, it's too early for that kind of hubris; maybe after you get to know me better. Nor do I think that you'll see any big changes... for a while.

The wizards at SSC will help keep me from crashing and burning. What I want most of all is for us to keep doing what we do best—serving the worldwide Linux community. That's you.

I'm looking forward to working with this crew and meeting as many of you as I can. To use one of the most over-used words in what passes for discourse these days, I'm excited about being able to give something back to the Linux community through this magazine; this is going to be fun.

I look forward to seeing you next issue.


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