Eewei Chen's 101 Design Ingredients to Solve Big Tech Problems (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

You might be a white-belt geek who is venturing into your first big technology project. Or, you could be a black-belt master geek who's been tackling big problems for years and needs a fresh approach to problem solving. Whatever your mastery level, the wisdom found on the pages of Eewei Chen's new book 101 Design Ingredients to Solve Big Tech Problems may help you solve the daunting problems that vex you. Humorously illustrated, 101 Design Ingredients is designed to help a technology team identify problems, share responsibilities and work better together. Part I features case studies that demonstrate how companies like Facebook and Dropbox blended ingredients from this book to solve specific business requirements for investment, innovation, leadership and more. Part II consists of the 101 problem-solving ingredients, grouped into project stages, to help one apply the right ingredient at the right time. The ingredients cover the spectrum a business needs to be successful.