Amazon to Handle G1G1 Round II

The One Laptop Per Child program made history — and quite a bit of money to send laptops to developing nations — last year with its Give One Get One Program, allowing geeks with big hearts and cash to spare to pick up an XO laptop for themselves and provide one to a child in need at the same time. The program made more headlines, however, when processing glitches and poor planning resulted in long delays and unhappy geeks.

The project seems to have learned some important lessons from the less-than-stellar aftermath of last years G1G1, and has enlisted a bit of high-powered support for a second go-round. OLPC will be running a second Give One, Get One offer beginning in November and running through the end of 2008 — managed by online powerhouse Like last year's program, the offer will be restricted to certain countries, currently reported as only those in the United States.

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