Listing 1. Perl Filter for LMAILER

# Check rules to send email to controlled lists and
# replace attached files with url to the corresponding file
# Ricardo Ciria. March 2002

use strict ;
# ... global variables
my ($s_machine, %ext_known, %ext_supposed, %ext_supposed2,
    $dest_user, $TempBody,  $xtended,      $description,
    $MailBody,  $the_file,  $TempBodyNew,  $the_file_out,
    $cmd,       $out_cmd,   $send, $pid,   $kind, $recip,
    $s_user,    $sender,    $ext,  %ext) ;
#-------------------- configurable section starts ----------
# ... configurable variables
# ... system configurable variables

my $mkdir    = "/bin/mkdir" ;
my $munpack  = "/usr/bin/munpack" ;
my $file     = "/usr/bin/file" ;
my $grep     = "/bin/grep" ;
my $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail" ;

# ... directories and files

my $dir_attach = "/home/ATTACH"; # attachments will be stored here
my $log_file   = "/home/ROOT/la_chacha_log" ;

# ... allowed domains
my %allowed = ("" => 1, "" => 1);

# ... web server and directory
my $http = "" ;

# ... general rejecting message
my $msg = "\n You can NOT sent to this list\n\n" ;
# ... controlled lists checking
sub controlled {
    # ... check for mailing rights.
    #     a conditional statement MUST be added here
    #     for each controlled list

    if     ($dest_user eq "everybody"){ &check_everybody() ;
    }elsif ($dest_user eq "leader")   { &check_leader() ;
# ... local list subroutines(s)
sub check_everybody {
    my ($the_user, $a) ;
    # ... the sender must be in "test_list"
    my $test_list = "/etc/mail/aliases.d/everybody" ;
    if ($allowed{$s_machine}) { # ... if domain is allowed
       # ... grep the user in the test list
       $the_user = "\'^$s_user\'" ;
       open(LS,"$grep $the_user $test_list |") ;
       $a =  ; chop($a) ; close (LS) ;
       if ($a eq $s_user) {
           $send = 1 ; # ... ok, send it
           # ... the real recipient (the back slash is needed)
           $recip  = "ydobyreve\" ;
           $msg = "(Message send to )\n\n";
sub check_leader {
    my $leader_acount = "bigboss" ;
    $msg = "Are you trying to pretend be me?\n" ;
    if ($allowed{$s_machine}) {
        if ($leader_acount eq $s_user) {
            $send = 1 ;
            $recip = "redael\" ;
            $msg = "Message from LEADER. Read carefully.\n\n";
#-------------------- configurable section ends --------------
$pid = $$  ;
my $temp_dir = "/tmp/ata-$pid" ;
$send = 0  ; # ... sending flag. Zero = rejected.

open_files() ; # ... temporal files
load_extensions() ;

LINE: # ... get header. store it in MBODY
    next LINE if $_ =~ /^From / ;
    next LINE if $_ =~ /^Received:/ ;
    next LINE if $_ =~ /^Content-Type:/ ;
    next LINE if $_ =~ /^Content-ID:/ ;
    next LINE if( index($_,"\t")==0 );
    &get_sender() if (/^From:/) ;
    &get_dest() if (/^To:/)  ;
    last if(length($_) < 2) ; #... header ends
    print MBODY $_ ;

controlled() ; # ... mailing rights check call.
#&update_log() ; # ... comment this line if log is not needed
print MBODY $msg ; # ... copy comments to message

unless ($send) { # ... rejected
    close TMP    ; unlink $TempBody ; # ... remove TMP
    close TMPNVO ; unlink $TempBodyNew ; # ... and TMPNVO
    send_mail() ;
    exit ;

# ... copy original e-mail body to file TMP
print TMP  $_ while (<>) ; close(TMP);

# ... replace NAME*  by  NAME and FILENAME* by FILENAME

open(TMP,"$TempBody")  || die "$TempBody: $!";
while ($a =) {
    $a =~ s/NAME\*\=/NAME\=/g if ($a =~ /^Content\-Type/) ;
    $a =~ s/NAME\*\=/NAME\=/g if ($a =~ /^Content\-Disposition/) ;
    print TMPNVO $a ;
}#while... now, the email body is in TMPNVO

close TMP ; unlink $TempBody ; # ... remove TMP
close TMPNVO ;

# ... unpacks (if any) the messages. The output is stored in
#     $TempBody.aux and the unpacked files in $temp_dir.

system "$mkdir $temp_dir" ;
system "$munpack -C $temp_dir -t $TempBodyNew > $TempBody.aux" ;

open(PACK,"$TempBody.aux") ;
while ($a=) { #... check munpack output
    if ($a =~ /$TempBodyNew/) { # ... Did not find anything to unpack
        # ... no parts¨: move TMPNVO contents to MBODY
        open(TMPNVO,"$TempBodyNew") || die "$TempBodyNew: $!";
        print MBODY $a while ($a=) ;
        close TMPNVO ;
        last ;
    }else{ # ... the message have "parts"
        ($the_file,$description) = split " " , $a ;
        if ((upper($description) =~ /TEXT\/PLAIN/) and
            (upper($the_file)    =~ /PART/)) { # ... a text part
            open(PART,"$temp_dir/$the_file") ; # ... drop to  MBODY
            print MBODY $a while ($a=) ;
            close PART ;
            unlink "$temp_dir/$the_file" ;
        }else{ # ... es attach.
            #print MBODY "\n     attached file : $the_file" ;
            print MBODY "\n     archivo adjunto : $the_file" ;

            # ... get the file type
            $cmd = "$file $temp_dir/$the_file" ;
            $out_cmd = `$cmd` ;
            chomp $out_cmd ;
            $kind = substr( $out_cmd , length("$temp_dir/$the_file")+1) ;
            #print MBODY "\n     apparently   $kind\n";
            print MBODY "\n     aparentemente   $kind\n";

            $ext = &upper(&get_extension($the_file)) ;
            &guess_extension unless ($ext_known{$ext}) ;

            $the_file_out = $the_file ;
            # ... eliminate percent and other unwanted characters
            $the_file_out =~ s/%/_/g ;
            $the_file_out =~ s/X/x/g ;
            $the_file_out = $pid.$the_file_out ;
            if ($xtended) { # ... guessed extension ?
                # ... add extension to the name
                $the_file_out = "$the_file_out.$xtended" ;
            print MBODY  "     $http/$the_file_out\n" ;
            print MBODY "\n\n" ;
            # ... move the attachment file to $dir_attach
            system  "mv $temp_dir/$the_file $dir_attach/$the_file_out" ;
# ... clean up
rmdir  $temp_dir ;
close PACK ;   unlink "$TempBody.aux" ;
close TMPNVO ; unlink $TempBodyNew ;
close MBODY ;
send_mail() ;

exit ;
#                                                      send mail
sub send_mail {
    open(MBODY,"$MailBody") || die "$MailBody: $!";
    open (ML, "| '$sendmail' $recip")  ;
    print ML $a while ($a=) ;  close ML ;
    close MBODY ;  unlink $MailBody ;
}#sub ;
#                                                guess extension
sub guess_extension{
    my ($apro_1, $apro_2, $apro_3) ;
    $xtended = "" ;
    ($apro_1, $apro_2, $apro_3) = split " " , $kind ;
        $xtended = $ext_supposed{$apro_1}  ;
    }elsif ($apro_1 eq "PC"){
        if ($ext_supposed2{$apro_2}){
            $xtended  = $ext_supposed2{$apro_2}  ;
    }elsif ($apro_1 eq "MPEG"){
        if ($ext_supposed2{$apro_2}){
            $xtended  = $ext_supposed{$apro_2}  ;
            $xtended  = "mp3"  ;
        # ... individual cases
    }elsif ($kind  =~ /Microsoft Word/ )  { $xtended       = "doc"
    }elsif ($kind  =~ /MS Windows Help Data/ ) { $xtended  = "hlp"
    }elsif ($kind  =~ /MS Windows PE 32-bit/ ) { $xtended  = "exe"
    }elsif ($kind  =~ /Rich Text Format/ ) { $xtended      = "rtf"
    }elsif ($kind  =~ /WAVE audio/ ) { $xtended            = "wav"
    }elsif ($kind  =~ /Rich Text Format/ ) { $xtended      = "rtf"
    }elsif ($kind  =~ /WAVE audio/ ) { $xtended            = "wav"
    }elsif ($kind  =~ /Standard MIDI data/ ) { $xtended    = "mid"
#                                                          upper
sub upper {
    my $string = $_[0] ;
    $string  =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ ; $string ;
#                                             get file extension
sub get_extension{
    my @partes ; my  $arch = $_[0];
    $arch =~ s/\./\:\.\.\:/g ;
    @partes = split ":\.\.:" , $arch  ;
#                                                load extensions
sub load_extensions{
%ext_known  = (# ... no problem: let it go
 AU  => 1 ,BMP => 1 ,BZ2 => 1 ,COM => 1 ,DOC => 1 ,EXE => 1,
 FIG => 1 ,GIF => 1 ,GZ  => 1 ,HLP => 1 ,HQX => 1 ,SB  => 1,
 HTM => 1 ,HTML=> 1 ,JPEG=> 1 ,JPG => 1 ,MIDI=> 1 ,SDW => 1,
 MP3 => 1 ,MPEG=> 1 ,PDF => 1 ,PL  => 1 ,PNG => 1 ,SEA => 1,
 PPM => 1 ,PS  => 1 ,RM  => 1 ,RPM => 1 ,RTF => 1 ,TAR => 1,
 TEX => 1 ,TGZ => 1 ,TIF => 1 ,WPD => 1 ,XPM => 1 ,ZIP => 1,
 XLS => 1 ,TIFF=> 1 );

# ... first word guess
%ext_supposed =(
 BZ2 => "bzip2" ,FIG => "fig"  ,GIF => "gif"  ,GZ  => "gzip" ,
 JPEG=> "jpg"   ,PDF => "pdf"  ,PNG => "png"  ,PPM => "ppm"  ,
 RPM => "rpm"   ,TGZ => "gzip" ,TIF => "TIFF" ,ZIP => "zip",
 TEX => "LaTeX" ,PS  => "PostScript"      ,RM  => "RealMedia",
 SB  => "SoundBlaster", HTML => "html" ,TIFF => "TIF");

# ... second word guess
%ext_supposed2 =
( bitmap => "bmp" ,color => "cpt" ,video => "mpeg" ,
  system => "mpg" );

#                                                     open files
sub open_files{

$TempBody = "/tmp/body.$pid" ;
open(TMP,">$TempBody")  || die "$TempBody: $!";

$TempBodyNew = "/tmp/cuerponvo.$pid" ;
open(TMPNVO,">$TempBodyNew")  || die "$TempBodyNew: $!";

$MailBody = "/tmp/cuerpo2.$pid" ;
open(MBODY,">$MailBody")  || die "$MailBody: $!";
#                                                     update log
sub update_log{
    my $fecha = `date` ;
    chomp($fecha) ;
    open(CL,">>$log_file") ;
    print CL "$fecha $sender -> $dest_user $send\n" ;
    close CL ;
#                                                     get sender
sub get_sender {
    my $dummy ;
    if (index($_,"<") >= 0 ){
        ($dummy,$sender) = split ("<",$_) ;
        ($sender,$dummy)  = split (">",$sender) ;
        ($dummy,$sender) = split (" ",$_) ;
    ($s_user,$s_machine) = split ("\@",$sender) ;
    $recip = $sender ; # by default, the recipient is the sender
#                                                    get destino
sub get_dest {
    my ($dummy, $dest) ;
    if (index($_,"<") >= 0 ){
        ($dummy,$dest) = split ("<",$_) ;
        ($dest,$dummy)  = split (">",$dest) ;
        ($dummy,$dest) = split (" ",$_) ;
    ($dest_user,$dummy) = split ("\@",$dest) ;