
1. “Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets”, Ingrid Daubechies, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 41(7):909—996, October 1988.

2. Wavelet Image Compression Construction Kit, Geoff Davis,

3. Introduction to Information Theory and Data Compression, D. Hankerson, G.A. Harris and P.D. Johnson, Jr., CRC Press, 1998.

4. JPEGtool User's Guide, documentation and software available via, 1997.

5. Independent JPEG Group (IJG): JPEG software release 6 is available electronically from, August 1995. E-mail contact:

6. “Octave: a Free High-Level Language for Mathematics”, Malcolm Murphy, Linux Journal, July 1997.

7. JPEG Still Image Data Compression Standard, W.B. Pennebaker and J.L. Mitchell, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1992.

8. “History of the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Format”, Greg Roelofs, Linux Journal, April 1997.

9. “Wavelets”, American Scientist, Gilbert Strang, May/June 1994.

10. “The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard”, Gregory K. Wallace, Communications of the ACM, April 1991. A revised version is available with the IJG's sources (see 5).

11. Waterloo Fractal Compression Project,, contains a pointer to the “Waterloo BragZone” which introduces a test suite and includes test results from various coders.