Essential GNU Info Reference Card

Inside This Node:
Space Move forward one screen.
DEL Move backward one screen.
b Move to beginning of this node.
e Move to end of this node.
m Select menu item. You must supply the menu item's name.
Node must have a menu for this to work.

Moving From Node to Node:
n Move to next node.
p Move to previous node.
u Move to up node, if up node exists.
f Follow a cross reference.
l Go to the last node you visited. Useful for backing out of
cross references.
d Move to the directory node.

Other Commands that Work Anywhere:
q Quit.
h Start the info tutorial.
? List the info commands.
Ctrl-g Abort a command you have started.
Ctrl-l Redraw the screen (if it becomes corrupted).
s Search for a text string. This is quite useful.