Submission Deadline to Fanatic Contest Extended

by Richard Vernon

In the June 2002 issue we announced the Linux Fanatic contest based on the MTV Fanatic television show. Some potential contestants wrote in to say they needed more time to put together and send the physical evidence necessary to make them competitive. In response to this (and because we're very nice folks), we've decided to extend the deadline to August 5, 2002.

So take a chance and send us something that shows your devotion to your favorite OS. The prize is truly appropriate, not to mention worth a lot money! The winner will join us on the Linux Lunacy Cruise in October and have the chance to meet Linus Torvalds and a host of other Linux community all-stars--and even hear them speak. See the announcement for rules, but remember the old deadline no longer applies; you now have until August 5, 2002.

Richard Vernon is editor in chief of Linux Journal.

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